Un Resolutions On Jammu & Kashmir

Since 1948, the UN Security Council has remained seized of the Jammu & Kashmir dispute under the Agenda item “India-Pakistan Question” and passed over a dozen resolutions. A brief description of the important resolutions related to J&K dispute is given below:

UNSCR 38 (1948)

The resolution requests that the Security Council should be immediately informed of any material change in the situation in J&K.

UNSCR 39 (1948)

The resolution established the UN Commission for India and Pakistan (UNCIP) to investigate and share facts with the Security Council about the situation in J&K.

UNSCR 47 (1948)

The resolution rules that the question of the accession of Jammu and Kashmir to India and Pakistan should be decided “through the democratic method of a free and impartial plebiscite”.

UNSCR 51 (1948)

Through this resolution, the Security Council emphasizes the need to resolve the dispute for maintaining international peace and security.

UNSCR 80 (1950)

The resolution reaffirms that final disposition of J&K dispute will be in accordance with the will of the people, expressed through the democratic method of a free and impartial plebiscite.

UNSCR 91 (1951)

This resolution is significant as it pronounces that any determination of the final solution by the erstwhile Constituent Assembly in IIOJ&K would not constitute disposition of the State of J&K, in accordance with the principles mentioned in UNSC resolutions.

UNSCR 98 (1952)

Reaffirming that the question of accession of the State of Jammu and Kashmir to India or Pakistan would be decided through the democratic method of a free and impartial plebiscite conducted under the auspices of the UN, the resolution laid down the maximum number of troops to be maintained by both India and Pakistan at the end of the period of demilitarization before the plebiscite.

UNSCR 122 (1957)

The resolution once again stipulates that any action that Constituent Assembly in IIOJ&K may have taken or might attempt to take to determine the future shape and affiliation of the entire State of J&K and any part thereof, would not constitute a disposition of the State in accordance of the above principle

UNSCR 1172 (1998)

The resolution urges India and Pakistan to resume dialogue on all outstanding issues, particularly on all matters pertaining to peace and security, in order to remove tensions, and encourages them to find mutually acceptable solutions that address the root causes of those tensions, including Kashmir.


Under this resolution, both India and Pakistan have reaffirmed their wish that the future status of the State of Jammu and Kashmir shall be determined in accordance with the will of the people and to that end, upon acceptance of the Truce Agreement, both Governments agree to enter into consultations with the Commission to determine fair and equitable conditions whereby such free expression will be assured.


The resolution states that the question of the accession of the State of Jammu and Kashmir to India or Pakistan will be decided through the democratic method of a free and impartial plebiscite;


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