Pakistan & Uzbekistan

Pakistan and Uzbekistan relations are based on commonalities of religion, history and culture. For centuries, peoples of the two lands have enriched each other’s spiritual, intellectual, and cultural growth. Buddhist monks from monasteries in Taxila and Peshawar in Pakistan used to travel to Afghanistan and up north in Termez and beyond (now Uzbekistan). Similarly, the intellectual and spiritual wisdom emanating from Samarkand and Bukhara has enlightened the lives of the people living in lands of Pakistan provide a deep-rooted foundation between the two countries.

Mughal Dynasty, with its Central Asian roots further reinforced this foundation, leaving an imprint on the political, religious, and psychological orientation of the Muslims of South Asia. There are more than three thousand common words in Urdu and Uzbek languages. Therefore, the exchanges between the peoples of lands that are today Uzbekistan and Pakistan are much older and deeper than the emergence of two countries as sovereign states on the world map.

Pakistan was one of the first countries to recognize Uzbekistan after its independence in 1991 and establish diplomatic mission in Tashkent, thus giving a base to the bilateral relations characterized by mutual respect, political engagement, growing economic ties, and shared interests in regional stability and development.

Both Pakistan and Uzbekistan are committed to further deepen the bilateral relations by enhancing trade, connectivity and people to people contact. 


H.E. Mr. Ahmed Farooq
(+998-71) 2309863

Political Wing

Ms. Tuba Asif
Deputy Head of Mission/ Head of Chancery
(+998-71) 2309866

Office of the Permanent Representative to RATS SCO

Mr. Faheem-ud-Din Qazi
Permanent Representative to RATS SCO

(+998-71) 2309860

Consular Wing

Mr. Saqib Ali
(+998-71) 2309865
(+998-93) 0579150

Commercial Wing

Mr. Ataullah
Trade and Investment Counsellor
(+998-94) 8045190

Defence Wing

Col. Naveed Ahmad Khan
(+998-71) 2309864

Photo & Video Gallery

Contact Information

Building No. 80-82, Abdulla Avloniy Street, Yakkasaroy Tumani, Tashkent, Uzbekistan

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